French sailors and Viking settlements

I have had a busy few days, driving four to five hours each day in order to cover more ground. I’m in Egilsstader, in the north. The eastern fjords were very difficult driving not only because the roads were hundreds of feet in the air but the views were spectacular making it tough to keep my eyes on the road! 

I was in Fáskrúdsfjördur last night, a French fishing settlement from the early 1600s. My hotel was the former French hospital that had a fantastic collection of fishing gear and a recreation of a French fishing gallery hold! I was mesmerized by the old French maps and the importance of French fisheries in Iceland was unknown to me. From the number of vessels it may be true that French fisheries in Iceland was greater than that in Atlantic Canada during the 16th century.

I’m quite tired so I’ll just post images but suffice to say that I have seen sights in the last few days that I will never forget. One was the rising of the full moon over the eastern ocean. I didn’t get a chance to take a photo before it disappeared behind a cloud but it was impressive. The second you can see below is Vatnajökull, the largest glacier in Iceland covering 8% of the island!

Oh… And I visited an early Viking settlement!