Since I hardly ever post on my own website I joined Bluesky to not post there as well.
There is a great photo community as well as ancient history. My feed is nothing but beautiful photos that include lots of historical object like Roman glass and mosaics. A few too many hashtags for my liking but I am constantly seeing items that I find super interesting and worthwhile. I love the line art and craft printing of tiago, the amazing photography of skinskin and sebadee, and infrared photography and other work from SteveC. I could go on… Alison Fisk for that ancient glass and other awesome objects, are well worth the follow!
The research side is well represented as well, the data analytics and coding people are super helpful and all the libraries and archives being present is awesome. The only downside is that there are not many Canadian government or local government organizations since, I guess, they are not interested in the platform.
oh… and cat photos. Bluesky is like those cities on the Mediterranean where cats are ubiquitous. <3